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C O V ER S TORY Jan uar y/Febr uar y 201 3 F E A T U R E S Convention Program Insert Inside!!! 16 Board Member Q&A FEDA's industry leaders discuss their response to the downturn, key changes implemented to improve operations and threats on the horizon. 24 The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act The Changes You Should Be Aware of and the Tax Consequences that Will Affect Small Business Owners 26 Operating the Energy-Efficient Restaurant 10 Keeping the Cash Flowing Contract Billing & Collections is not for the faint of heart. No one knows that better than Birmingham Restaurant Supply. The Alabama-based distributor, a contractor itself, has been in the design-build business for more than 30 years. It's a tough way to earn a living, says President George Tobia. But his business has managed to successfully get it done, thanks to the expertise of his staff and their ability to keep the cash flowing. Read their firsthand account on the challenges, AIA and minimizing delays. A Digital New Year's Resolution Having an account on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest is great—until a potential client stumbles upon the page and finds no information and no posts. Commit to managing your accounts and engaging customers. Source: 10 Tips to Help Your Customers Cut Costs 30 Distributor Profit Trends How did FEDA members' ROA & sales growth compare to distributors in other industry segments in 2011? 36 Getting Your Team in a Net Profit State of Mind A fear of financial disclosure could be hurting profits, says distribution expert Al Bates. 40 Profiting From Your Losses 22 The True Cost of Being a Dealer How many of your employees really understand crucials like profit margin or the impact of a 5 percent discount on dealer profitability? "Profit Management for Dealers" is a must read for anyone on the front line. D EPA RTMENTS 4 President's Message "The Threat of Interior Design Licensing" 8 Association Highlights "FEDA Education Scholarship Program Growing" 6 Industry Insights Concept Services' Hal Schroeder and FEDA President Brad Wasserstrom on "Does Your Vendor Have Any Integrity?" Jan uar y/Febr uar y 201 3 3