ICT Today

ICT Today October/November/December 2020

Issue link: http://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1284149

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Page 45 of 79

46 I ICT TODAY By G. Mabud Choudhury and John Kamino, RCDD Whether it is transmission speed, reach or capacity, enterprise and data center networks have undergone a remarkable evolution over the past decade. However, one thing has remained constant: the continued relevance of multimode optical fiber (MMF) links as the most cost-effective short-reach solutions on the market. This article is designed in two parts to provide ICT designers and installers with the latest knowledge about MMF. In part one, the technology trends behind MMF's success story are explored. It explains how cloud and enterprise data centers continue to drive strong demand for multimode solutions, even as transmission speeds increase and singlemode optical fiber (SMF) transceivers Multimode Fiber Technology, Latest Market Trends and Standards move into the 500-meter (m) data center space. Also described are how the latest data center application areas, including colocation, edge data centers (EDCs), and telecom/central office data centers, are providing new and growing addressable markets for the cost and power advantages of short-reach MMF links. Part two provides the most recent standards update for MMF in the enterprise as a convenient best practices and standards reference. Combined, these two parts provide ICT designers and installers with a compre- hensive over-view of MMF, equipping them to offer their customers the best this technology has to offer now and into the future.

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