ICT Today

ICT Today January/February/March 2021

Issue link: http://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1327492

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Page 35 of 67

36 I ICT TODAY Keeping Up with Optical Fiber FIBER IS THE NOW By Zoren Bullock, Rodney Casteel, RCDD, NTS, OSP, DCDC, CBRS CPI, Tony Irujo, and Robert Reid As internet traffic, connected devices, and cloud-based services proliferate, there is a corresponding increase in the deployment of optical fiber. This article highlights the key market segments and technology enablers driving demand and then discusses the ways that optical fiber technology is being deployed to meet the demands for higher bandwidth, low latency networks. It is important to first look at the technologies driving fiber deployment in submarine and long-haul segments, as many technological advancements are initially deployed there. The growth in internet traffic is well-documented. 1 Data rates generated and transmitted over optical fiber show steady growth and capacity.

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