Highline Public Schools Strategic Plan

Highline Public Schools Strategic Plan

Issue link: http://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/169194

Contents of this Issue


Page 19 of 27

z OUR 2017 Goals Tech-Savvy tECH-LitErAtE Withour2017Goals,wetakethefirst step toward delivering on OURPromise. BiLinGuAL Biliterate zErO Suspensions MAstEry by Grade 3 At least 19 out of 20 students entering Kindergarten in 2013 will meet or exceed standards in all core subjects by the end of Grade3. suCCEss in Algebra High School GrAduAtiOn At least 19 out of 20 students At least 19 out entering Grade 9 of 20 students in 2013 will entering Grade 6 graduate in 2013 will pass prepared to Algebra by choose their Grade9. future. Out-of-school suspensions will drop to zero by 2015 (except when critical for student and staff safety). Every student in the class of 2026 will graduate bilingual and biliterate. Every student in the class of 2026 will graduate tech-savvy and tech-literate. Ourgoalsreflectourcommunity'shigh expectations that Highline students are PROfICIENT IN ALL SUBjECTS, including the Arts, and make SUCCESSfUL TRANSITIONS acrossgradelevels. As we progress toward our goals, our students will increasingly reflectthecharacteristicsourcommunity values: students who are CRITICAL ThINkERS and PROBLEM SOLVERS; who possess CREATIVITY, PERSEVERANCE, and PASSION fOR LEARNING; who are TECh-SAVVY and able to participate inadigitally-driven,media-richsociety. Our schools will foster meaningful STUdENT VOICE and AdVOCACY. As we reach our goals, we will ERAdICATE the AChIEVEMENT GAP. 20

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