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OVER What skills and strengths do top executives bring when they leave the corporate world to take jobs as business school deans? BY SHARON SHINN 28 January/February 2014 BizEd DAVE CUTLE R B usiness school deans in the 21st century have complex, multifaceted jobs. They must lead their institutions through transformational curricular and technological changes, raise funding in an era of shrinking state support, develop alliances with other schools and corporate partners, listen to the voices of many stakeholders, recruit top faculty, promote their brands, and deliver quality educational programs. No wonder that, according to data from AACSB International, a dean's average tenure is just a little more three than years, at least in the U.S. While most deanships are held by academics, a number of business schools have turned to the business world to find their next leaders. In fact, AACSB's 2011–2012 Deans Survey showed that, among member schools, 6.7 percent of deans worldwide were nonacademics, though the numbers varied greatly by region. In Asia, for instance, that number was 4.3 percent; in Africa, 33.3 percent. Among those nonacademics, the vast majority—65.6 percent—had held executive roles. As for the rest, 12.5 percent had worked in government, 9.4 percent had worked for nonprofits, 9.4 percent had run their own businesses, and 3.1 percent fell into other categories.