July/August 2014 BizEd
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700 USD 850 USD 60 days
BizEd classifieds advertise administrator, faculty, and
staff openings. Advertising rates are as follows:
To enhance the effectiveness of your ad campaign,
reserve the AACSB Recruitment Ad Package:
• Print ad in BizEd
• Ad placement in eNEWSLINE's
Career Link section (two issues)
• Immediate posting on BizSchoolJobs.com
Questions? Contact Debbie Wiethorn at +1 813 769 6522
or debbie@aacsb.edu.
To succeed in any corner of the world,
takes a school that knows every corner of the world.
Thunderbird School of Global Management is a private, not-for-profit
AACSB-accredited graduate business school whose main campus
is located in Glendale, Arizona. Founded in 1946, Thunderbird is
consistently ranked #1 in global business education by a variety of
graduate-level rankings periodicals.
With global expansion plans underway, Thunderbird is actively recruiting
for top-tier global management professors who display significant
experience working with a diverse student body in graduate and
executive level programs, degree and non-degree, and who have an
interest in working with a variety of teaching and curricular methods,
including online education and overseas module delivery.
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. and have experience serving at the
advanced assistant or associate professor level, demonstrated
excellence in teaching, and an established record of publishing in top
journals. Significant international exposure, professional and academic, is
essential; a regional area of expertise is also highly desirable.
Current opportunities include tenure-track
Assistant or Associate Professors of:
Finance | Business Analytics | Organizational Behavior
Operations & Global Supply Chain Management
Cross Cultural Communications/Negotiations
For consideration submit a PDF CV, letter of application, research samples
and evidence of teaching effectiveness to HRresumes@thunderbird.edu.
Share your passion for the world with the world. Teach at Thunderbird.
1 Global Place
Glendale, AZ 85306
+1 602 978-7164