Illinois Medicine

2014 Summer

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dO yOU knOW theSe PeOPle? ach issue we pick an intriguing picture from the long history of Illinois Medicine. Are you — or a classmate or colleague — in this picture from the past? Email and let us know. We'll post any answers we get in the next issue of Illinois Medicine. e office of Medical advancement (M/c 792) 1747 W. Roosevelt Rd., ste. 302 chicago, illinois 60608 -1203 nonprofit org. u.s. Postage PaiD chicago, il Permit no. 4860 c h I c A g o | P e o R I A | R o c K f o R d | U R b A n A - c h A M P A I g n Like us on Facebook: search 'university of illinois college of Medicine'

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