Scleroderma means hard skin
but the disease is much more, often affecting
the internal organs with life-threatening
consequences. One in every 4,000 Americans
is affected by scleroderma and four out of five
patients are women between the ages of 30
and 50, but it also strikes men and children.
Right now, there is no cure
and there are no universally effective treatments.
But there is hope. Our researchers have recently
stopped scleroderma's devastating internal and
external scarring in a laboratory setting. They have
also opened the door to possible new treatment
strategies by linking the disease to cancer.
The Scleroderma Research Foundation is
America's leading nonprofit investor in
medical research aimed at discovering
better treatments and a cure. Join us to help
patients live longer, fuller lives.
Odds are, there's only one thing you know about it:
Someone who has it.
Be a par t of the solution.
Help find a cure.
S c l e r o d e r m a
Research is the key.
"An investment in the most
innovative research is an
investment in a cure."
Scleroderma Research Foundation Scan to learn more