Retail Observer

January 2015

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM JANUARY 2015 78 W ith a growing membership approaching 1,500 members, the United Servicers Association (USA) is by far the largest professional appliance repair association in North America. Since 1988, USA has offered a wide variety of services and programs to assist members in building effective businesses and business relationships. USA's strong commitment to education and collaborative learning environments is just one of the many reasons that membership continues to grow year after year. What most members don't realize is that the opportunities for professional and personal growth don't end at their membership. The United Servicers Association has numerous opportunities for members to serve on the Board of Directors and other association committees throughout the year. Involvement with the USA is a great way to grow your professional network and make a direct impact on the appliance repair industry. Volunteers have the opportunity to network with representatives from major appliance manufacturers and gain in-depth knowledge about the appliance industry not available to most professionals on a regular basis. Not sure if you have enough time? USA presents many occasions to get involved on exactly the scale you want. If you're strapped for time, commit to serving on a small committee with some of your peers. Or, if you're looking to network and build your reputation within the industry, consider serving on the Board of Directors and become a Member at Large. Whatever level of time you're willing to commit, there's a place for you to make a difference. If you're ready to serve, take the following steps: • Step 1: Join a Committee Joining a committee is a great way to stretch your current skill set and learn new skills. Committee members are needed to prepare curriculum and programs at ASTI, the Annual Service Training Institute—next year's event is being held February 8-12 in New Orleans. Contributors are also welcome to write and prepare the monthly newsletter, assist with membership growth, and help maintain the Association's website. Members with strong repair and electronics training are needed to join the Education and Certification Committee; these influential members will help develop an updated certification for appliance professionals. USA also needs members to serve as liaisons between manufacturers and the Association. Volunteering on a committee allows you to exercise your strengths, and build strong, lasting relationships with major players in the industry. • Step 2: Join the USA Board of Directors First things first—USA asks members to volunteer on at least two committees before running for a position on the Board of Directors. Once you've done that, you can request to serve on the Board, if an opening is available, as a Member at Large. Your role on the USA Board will consist of various duties depending on your position. As a Board member, you will be actively involved in the management decision-making process. Serving on the USA Board or a committee is a great way to grow your professional networks and forge lasting relationships with like-minded business owners. Your involvement within USA will help you steer and guide your way through the ever-changing challenges that face repair technicians, office operations, and business owners as a whole. Are you ready to have an impact on the industry? Get involved and help make the Association better for all of us. THE ANNUAL SERVICE TRAINING INSTITUTE FEBRUARY 8-12 IN NEW ORLEANS Another way to get involved with the United Servicers Association and improve your business is by attending ASTI, our annual convention. It's the largest appliance service training convention anywhere, with business management workshops, technical training sessions, and a 50-vendor industry trade show. ASTI is coming up fast, so register now. It takes place February 8-12, 2015, in New Orleans, just a week before Mardi Gras. It provides you with outstanding opportunities to improve your business' productivity and profitability, expand your professional network, and enhance your technical skills. Visit to register. RO Krystle McConnell, USA Treasurer, Lake Appliance Repair, Sacramento, California S E R V I C E D E P A R T M E N T GET INVOLVED WITH THE UNITED SERVICERS ASSOCIATION

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