Retail Observer

February 2015

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM FEBRUARY 2015 38 finalist The PETE concept merges plastic bottles and creates garments from them according to your taste. The consumer only has to choose the required clothing type, color and cutting, while the machine gives the amount of PET bottles needed for the fabrication and turns the bottles into polyester and prints the garments. This method creates a natural recycling method for plastic bottles and turns the consumer into an eco-designer. Set to Mimic is a set of smart kitchenware that recreates tastes and smells of your food to your preference. By placing a noninvasive transparent gel patch with a microchip on your head, the plate and glass communicates wirelessly with your brain, to recall an experience of taste or smell from the past by tapping into your memory. That way you can eat a carrot but have the impression that you're eating ice cream or a steak, which makes it easier to lead a healthy life. finalist PETE Designer | Kovács Apor, Hungary University | Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary Submission | Set To Mimic Designer | Sorina Rasteanu, Romania University | West University of Timisoara, Romania Submission | (

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