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8 March 2015 Tablets & Capsules sequester carbon dioxide. The microcap- sules are made of a highly permeable polymer shell that encapsulates a simple sodium carbonate solution, similar to household baking soda. As carbon diox- ide gas penetrates the capsules, it is absorbed by the solution. The method is highly efficient and poses fewer envi- ronmental risks than conventional means. Gelatin nanoparticles limit damage to brain after stroke CHAMPAIGN, IL—Nasally adminis- tered gelatin nanoparticles could mini- mize brain damage following a stroke and buy extra time for emergency med- ical treatment, according results of a study published in Drug Delivery and Translational Research. Nasal delivery allows microscopic gelatin particles laced with osteopontin—a protein that reduces inflammation and traumatic cell death—to travel directly to injured brain tissue, bypassing the blood-brain barrier. Gelatin-dissolving enzymes in the injured tissue release the drug at the injury site. industry news Actavis to sell Aptalis, buy Auden Mckenzie DUBLIN, Ireland—Actavis agreed to sell US-based Aptalis Pharmaceutical Technologies to TPG, a Fort Worth, TX, investment firm. Aptalis specializes in taste-masking and controlled-release technologies. Earlier this year, Actavis agreed to buy Auden Mckenzie, a generics manufacturer, for approxi- mately $468 million, making it the largest supplier of generics in the United Kingdom and third-largest in the USA. Actavis acquired Allergan ear- lier in the year for $66 billion and adopted the Allergan name. FDA commissioner resigns SILVER SPRING, MD—FDA Com- missioner Margaret Hamburg has resigned after 6 years, leaving office at the end of March. The Agency's chief scientist, Stephen Ostroff, will serve as acting commissioner. UPS delays impurities implementation ROCKVILLE, MD—The US Pharma- copeia has moved the implementation date of general chapters <232> "Ele- mental Impurities–Limits" and <2232> "Elemental Contaminants in Dietary Supplements" from December 1, 2015 to January 1, 2018 to more closely align with the implementation date of the ICH Q3D Guideline. See the "Back Page" of this issue for more information. NY attorney general cites supplement retailers NEW YORK, NY—Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent cease-and-desist letters to GNC, Target, Walmart, and Walgreens, alleging the stores are selling herbal supplements whose contents could not be verified or contained ingredients not listed on the labels. Schneiderman's office relied on DNA barcoding for its results, a method that the Council for Re - sponsible Nutrition's Steve Mister called "a novel testing method that has been roundly criticized by botanical scientists." Other industry groups have asked Schneiderman's office to share its results. PHARMA PKG NATRIUM Better Direct Compression Less Fillers Lower Cost Higher Compaction Stronger Tablets Natrium Products, Inc. 800-962-4203 Contact us today for samples of Natrium's granular baking soda Natrium ® Granular Sodium Bicarbonate