2 0 1 5 E D I T I O N O U T P E R F O R M S O N A L L L E V E L S
"The show was outstanding for Dacor this year; it helped us get the
brand message out to support our local New York area dealer. The
consumer traffic was exceptional during the weekend, we scanned
about three times the leads over last year."
- Michael West, Director of Marketing, Dacor Kitchen Appliances
"We value the opportunity to connect with this discerning audience and
debut our latest offerings. This year we exhibited an extensive collection
of the brand's offerings, including our first connected wall oven and 30"
duct-free downdraft ranges."
- Brian Maynard, Marketing Director of Jenn-Air
"Amazing, amazing, amazing. People have been having a great time and our
booth has been full every day of the show. This show makes sense for us,
because we are directly reaching many key consumers. It's been fantastic."
- DÃdia Sousa, Press PR of Boca Do Lobo, Brabbu, Koket, Delightfull
Exhibitors reported fantastic leads and credited the show with excellent exposure for their brands. Here are a few of the rave reviews: