Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine HO15

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184 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 P E N I N S U L A S C E N E Business Excellence Celebration The Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce recognized 48 member businesses and 16 winners for excellence in their f ields at the 29th Annual Business Excellence Awards dinner presented by Union Bank. More than 425 members and commu- nity leaders attended the festivities at the Portola Hotel & Spa to raise awareness of the important role business plays on the Central Coast. Michael Adamson, Jason Clarke, Don Hartmann, Charles Chrietzberg Mary Adams, Terry Uchida, Jane Paulsen, Kirsti Scott Nancy Kotowski, Art Evjen, Fran Horvath Mark & Janine Faylor, Meryl Rasmussen, Fred DeYoung Shane & Stewart Fuller Kat & Erik Uppman, Shyam & Kiran Kamath Steve Packer, Robin Venuti, Al Alvarez Daniel Leon, Linda Ford, Gary Gray, Jody Hansen David Pendergrass, Mary Ann Carbone Pat Tinsley McGill, Donna Ferraro Rob Lee, Janine Potter Ken Gordon, Steve Morgan, Bret Silvestri Woody Kelley, Angelica Arroyo, Carmen Murillo, Kathy DiMaggio, Rob Pappani, Adrean Loeza Bill Sabo, Carl & Diana Miller, Wayne & Libby Downey Photos by Kelli Uldall

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