Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine HO15

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186 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 Todd & Heaven Tempalski P E N I N S U L A S C E N E Kinship Center's White Party P atricia Garrett's historic home in Pebble Beach was t he glittering setting for White Party 2015, celebrat- ing Kinship Center's 31 years. Guests enjoyed a four-course dinner artfully prepared by the "Three Amigos"; chefs Todd Fisher, Tarpy's Roadhouse; Tony Baker, Montrio Bistro; and Cy Yountz, Rio Grill, with wine generously provided by Silvestri Vineyards, Scheid Vineyards and Manzoni Estate Vineyards. Carol Bishop, Patricia Garrett, Carol Biddle Ann & Steve Packer, Tia & Leland Rosenblum Bill Lutz, Marie Woerz, Bob Nunes Camille Whipple, Kim Campbell, Annie Evans, Wendy Eales Dennis Donahue, Jeff Davi Todd Fisher, Tony Baker, Cy Yontz Richard Rupp, Roya Javid, Kirkor Kocek, Valencia Piccinini Sefani Chaney, Geoff & Jane Xie Betzi & Harlan Grogin Scott & Nancy Scheid Paul Bruno, Casey Lucius Sierra, Jill, Ken, & Eli Berrick Debbie Juran, Jim Barr, Heidi & Nick Licata, Karen & Richard Medalen Brittani & Dylan Wall Photos by Kelli Uldall

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