Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine HO15

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Leslie Williams, Carli Livesey P E N I N S U L A S C E N E Photos by DMT Imaging 192 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 18th Annual Barnyard Ferrari Event The Barnyard Ferrari Event benefitting local non- profit MEarth was the most successful yet; with over 700 visitors and more than $21,000 raised. The event featured over 25 Ferraris, 16 local winer- ies, eight of the Barnyard's restaurants and local favorite Victory Lane provided the music. Kate Regan, Tanja Roos, Mary Roos Kelli Foy, Brian Lackey Richard Oh, Carrie Clark, Jim Corda David & Megan Leffler Stephanie & Paul Cater Renae Crevalle with Sheeba Brenda Superko, Soteria Karahalios David & Mia Jarrick, Andy & Georgena Rickey Bob Ohsiek, Rod Wilson, Jeff Covell Nargis Lengacher, Natasha, Beau & Aliya Mercurio Grant Hargan, Edie Sutham Madison Giger, Kelsey Linder, Autumn Hays, Erin Fogg, Brianne Spiersch Martha Torres, Doug Westphal, Dee Cabral Geno Abraham, Megan Hoch

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