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TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT B Y D A N PA S Q U A R I E L L O A N D L A I R D S M A L L ftentimes when golfers struggle on the golf course, it isn't their skillset that is the issue—it is ill-fitting golf equipment. The Pebble Beach Golf Academy & Practice Facility offers a premier club and putter fitting experience by industr y-leading cer tified specialists, and with the recent addition of the TaylorMade Fitting Center to our facility, club fitting has a more prominent presence than ever. We are equipped with the latest state-of-the-ar t technologies, and carr y only the finest engineered equipment available to help ever y golfer play better—including the newest M1 drivers, PSi irons and Tour putters from TaylorMade. Our goal is simple: to help the player achieve their ultimate perform- ance goals while making the experience both satisfying and enjoyable. The club fitting process begins with a thorough evalu- ation of the player's current equipment, set make-up and ball flight tendencies. We then precisely fit the club to the player, determine ideal specifications, and test and adjust to achieve opti- mal distance and accuracy. We will also determine which golf ball is the best fit—yes, we even do golf ball fittings! At the conclusion of each ses- sion, the professional will recap and review the findings, to ensure the golfer understands the "whats" and "whys" of the process he or she just experienced and that the player's goal has been met. The fitting process is part art and part science. The art of fitting focus- es on look, feel, sound, trajectory and workability. The science lies in data- driven performance parameters, such as how the golfer presents the club head to the ball at impact (club data), and how that affects ball flight (ball data). When the art and science of fitting performance are executed at the highest level, the player is the recipient of equipment that inspires confi- dence and optimizes performance. The benefits of custom club fitting are rooted in improved performance and enjoyment of the game. Properly fitted clubs allow golfers to maxi- mize their performance in the following ways: • Driver : Better controls the ball spin and trajectory for more distance and fairways hit. • Irons: Can allow for a more precise turf interaction and cleaner strikes. • Wedges: Can allow for a more precise turf interaction and spin, help- ing the golfer to control the short distance shots. The bounce on the sand wedge fit to the golfer's approach angle will help control the depth of div- ots and make chip shots and bunker shots easier to execute. • Putter : Establishing the correct posture, weight, balance and club head construction helps with aim and club-ball contact for improved dis- tance control. • Ball: Provides the optimal spin, feel and distance for max- imum control in all areas of the game. Fittings range from 30-45 minutes depending on whether the golfer is being fit for metalwoods, irons or a putter. The end result is the ability for both the instructor and golfer to pin- point the equipment that will produce the best results on the golf course for that particular player. If a golfer chooses to purchase their custom-fit set of clubs, the club specifications are sent to TaylorMade headquarters in Carlsbad where they are built, shipped and delivered in as quickly as 48 hours. This means that a golfer can go through the fitting process upon arriving at Pebble Beach Resorts, and be teeing it up on Pebble Beach Golf Links with their new clubs in just a couple of days. Golfers can walk away with a new put- ter immediately, thanks to an on-site Mitchell Machine that can create the ideal loft and lie of the putter. Come visit the Pebble Beach Golf Academy and the TaylorMade Fitting Center to get your clubs and game in shape. For more information, or to schedule a club fitting, please contact one of our dedicated specialists at 831/622-8650. When the art and science of fitting performance are executed at the highest level, the player is the recipient of equipment that inspires confidence and optimizes performance. 92 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 The Art and Science of Club Fitting O