Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine HO15

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P E N I N S U L A S C E N E 182 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 Gordon McCall's Motorworks Revival 2015 Celebrating its 24th year as the Monterey Car Week official kick-off gala, more than 3000 atten- dees were wowed by the vast array of vintage cars, motorcycles, and aircraft alongside state-of-the-art modern examples. Gordon and Molly McCall's annual soiree benefits the California Highway Patrol 11-99 Foundation, raising more than six f igures through the generosity of the guests. Carolyn & Craig Jackson Keanu Reeves, Steve Snider Mallory & Jacques Rodrigue, Natalie Domingue Judy Tollner, Rhonda Williams Molly & Gordon McCall Toni Avery, Bijan Emadi Christopher Pia, Amy Ivey, Tim Kelley Denny & Jeanne LeVett Tyson & Leticia Ringer Marc Bordonaro, Chrissy Handel Nancy & Mike Canning Mary Ann & Al Jardine Stacey Supica, Bill & Vicki Mitchell, Lesley Penater Jennifer Henry, Dana Clair, Janie Fanoe, Alex Plain, Kathleen Russac, Jennifer Menke, Allison Kenton Photos by Kelli Uldall

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