Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November December 2015

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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PRODUCT NEWS PRODUCT NEWS 30 November - December 2015 | VIBRATION METER The Fluke 805 FC vibration meter is a multi-functional vibration screening tool that provides information on the bearing and overall health of motors and other rotating equipment. It measures overall vibration from 10 to 1,000 hertz and offers a four-level severity assessment for overall vibration and bearing condi- tion. The handheld device detects peaks in the vibration signal readings of roller bearings from 4,000 to 20,000 hertz and uses a proprietary algorithm to inter- pret severity and determine if the bearing is going bad. Fluke Corporation 800-443-5853 GEAR OIL The Anderol 5000 Plus EP Synthetic Gear Oil series from Chem- tura is designed for gear applications requiring high micropitting resistance and protection under extreme conditions. The poly- alphaolefin/ester-based gear oils are formulated using a balance of advanced synthetic base stocks and additives for improved load-carrying ability, excellent wear and rust protection, higher vis- cosity indices, higher flash points, low pour points, cleaner running systems, and improved thermal and oxidative stability compared to conventional oils. Chemtura Corporation 203-573-2000 GEAR LUBRICANT Phillips 66 Lubricants' new high-per formance, semi-synthetic gear lubricant is formulated with a combination of synthetic base stocks, high-viscosit y mineral oils and extreme-pres- sure additives to mini- mize wear in large roller and thrust bearings as well as to protect heavily loaded, low- speed gears. Triton OG SS offers adhesion to metal sur faces, has a high f ilm strength and reduces the tendency for lubricant "squeeze- out." The amber-col- ored, solvent-free for- mulation is also free of heav y metals, bitumen and solid additives. Phillips 66 Lubricants 877-445-9198 HYDRAULIC FLUID Quaker's Quintolubric 888 Series hydraulic f luids are water-free, f ire-resistant synthetic f luids designed to replace anti-wear, mineral-oil-based hydraulic f luids used in applications where f ire hazards exist. The f luids can also be used in environmentally sensitive hydraulic applications without compromising system operation. Offering shear stabilit y and oxidation stabilit y, the f luids do not contain water, mineral oil or phosphate ester but instead are derived from high-qualit y synthetic organic esters and carefully selected additives. Quaker 610-832-4000

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