National Geographic Our World - 2016 - BrE

Interactive Sampler - British Edition

National Geographic - Our World

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An Interactive Whiteboard DVD-ROM for each level integrates all of the Our World teaching resources, including video, songs, games, and language presentation, making it easy to bring the classroom to life! myNGconnect is an online companion site for teachers and learners, providing easy access to resources that support, reinforce, and build on the learning done in the classroom. Dr. Joan Kang Shin, a trainer of young learner teachers in over 100 countries, and Our World series editor, has designed a Professional Development Programme that uses short videos of real classrooms and interviews with teachers from around the world to help teachers get the most our of Our World. The programme covers areas and topics such as: TECHNOLOGY THAT BRINGS YOUR CLASSROOM TO LIFE • Using video and technology in the classroom • Empowering learners through real-world content • Storytelling • And much more! PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT MADE EASY 8 The Professional Development Programme is available on a Video DVD, for individual teacher practice and review, and on a Classroom Presentation Tool DVD, to make it easy to create and support teacher trainings and workshops. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

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