Carmel Magazine

CM Winter 2016 Issue

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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 131 T he world-renowned, one-square-mile, beach destination of Carmel-by-the-Sea celebrates its 100th birthday in 2016. This patch of paradise has evolved over the past century into a hotspot with big-city offerings of art, theatre, music, and dining, while existing on the canvas of a fairytale. The magic of Carmel has been carefully fashioned over the last 100 years. From its founders to its current leaders, Carmelites have taken many steps to keep the seaside location idyllic with its forested streets, its neighbors connected with one another, and its homes undeniably picturesque. "Carmel is a microcosm of California's architectural heritage, sited at one of the most scenic meetings of land and sea in the world. Mission San Carlos Borromeo became a root building for California's first regional building style, the Mission Revival. 'Carmel City,' as it was called in the 1880s, was marketed as a seaside resort for Catholics," accord- ing to Kent Seavey's book Carmel: A History in Architecture. "Its pine- studded sand dunes survived the imposition of a standard American gridiron street pattern, as a Western, false-front main street, became 'Carmel-by-the-Sea.' " The Carmel Development Company, with partners James Frank C A R M E L - B Y - T H E - S E A C E L E B R A T E S C E N T E N N I A L

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