Carmel Magazine

CM Winter 2016 Issue

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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 133 Present-day visitors can still see a mesmeric blend of shingled beach houses, modern glass homes, log cabins, and charming cottages. As they walk around this enclave, visitors will not find street addresses, parking meters or streetlights (except in the business district). There are very few sidewalks to stroll on outside of the downtown commercial area. The founding fathers responsible for these and other quirks—including the absence of home mail delivery—thought they would help prevent Carmel-by-the-Sea from becoming urbanized. As a longtime haven for ar tists of all persuasions, the town endures as a hub for ar t aficionados who relish touring the various galleries around town. More than 100 local professional ar tists' work is shown at the Carmel Ar t Association's galler y on Dolores Street. The Association, founded in 1927, is the second oldest of its kind in the nation. Carmel Sunset Cultural Center, a state-of-the-ar t performing ar ts center, also brings a wide range of world-class music, theatre and dance productions. The remodeled building, which began as a public school in 1926, is notable for its spectacular Gothic architecture and unbelievable acoustics.. As Carmel ushers in its centennial year, a group of its dedicated citizens, dubbed the "Centennial Committee," will make sure all of its achieve- ments over the years are remembered and celebrated. Themed "A Century of Memories," the campaign was unveiled January 8, 2016 at a Present-day Sunset Center began life as Sunset School on San Carlos and 8th in 1926. This photo depicts the public school from the north, prior to construction of the auditorium that was completely redesigned and modernized in 2003. A 1909 photograph shows the view up Ocean Avenue from Lincoln Street in Carmel. Today's Ocean Avenue has evolved significantly and features high-end shopping like Tiffany & Co., many dining options, and car events like August's Concours on the Avenue. Photo: Galante Family Collection Photo: Sunset Center

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