Retail Observer

March 2016

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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MARCH 2016 RETAILOBSERVER.COM 9 – PART 2 OF 2 – KITCHENS " TH E NKBA D ESI G N CO M PE TITI O N O F F ERS A U NI Q U E O PP O RTU NIT Y FO R O U R M EM B ERS TO D EM O NSTR ATE TH EIR D ESI G N ABIL ITIES AND STAND O UT IN TH E INDUSTRY. W ITH AN EM PHASIS O N IN N OVATIV E CO N CEPTS AND CRE ATIV E E X PRES SI O N, THIS CO M PE TITI O N CO M M U NI CATES TH E VALU E O F PRO F ES SI O NAL D ESI G N TO CO NSU M ERS AND TH E INDUSTRY AT L ARG E." —NK BA CEO , Bill D arcy The 2016 NKBA Design Competition, an eclectic mix of kitchen and bath concepts, styles, and materials ventured to capture our imaginations. On the following pages, several winning kitchen designs stand testimony to the outstanding talent and competence of NKBA. For the 2016 NKBA Design Competition, a panel of six certified industry experts evaluated nearly 400 entries from across the United States and Canada. All participating projects were scored on various criteria, including safety and ergonomics, elements and principles of design, design planning, creativity, and presentation. Each judge was either a Certified Master Kitchen and Bath Designer (CMKBD) or both a Certified Kitchen Designer (CKD) and a Certified Bath Designer (CBD).

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