
SS February 2016

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Roll4You has been a rolling paper specialist since 1910, producing customised products in a full line of sizes. You can choose from over 30 different cigarette paper grades, which on request are available in various colours, as well. Like white paper, from nearly transparent to fully white, but also pink paper and natural unbleached paper from ZRRGÀEUHVDVZHOODVIURPWH[WLOHÀEUHV2WKHUFRORXUV are possible and will be developed together with you to \RXUVSHFLÀFDWLRQ Low basis weight cigarette papers are recommended to be embossed. Embossing enhances the transparency your smokers are looking for in low weight paper JUDGHV$GGLWLRQDOO\\RXUEUDQGLVHDVLO\LGHQWLÀDEOHDQG recognisable thus protected against possible misuse. Your design on the paper can communicate your brand whilst giving the paper a seal of quality and authenticity. The embossing design is applied, after slightly moisturising the paper with steam, by an embossing cylinder under a pressure of up to 200 kPa at temperatures around &7KH ÀQLVKLQJ WRXFK FRPHV IURP DGMXVWLQJ WKH speed – with sensitivity and great care, we ensure your HPERVVLQJGHVLJQLVRSWLPDOO\WDLORUHGWR\RXUVSHFLÀF design needs and the paper grade selected.

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