Der Sportwagen

DSW2016 May - June

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March / April 2016 4 I n almost any entity or organization, there is a culture that is in place. The culture can be good or bad or anything in between. The good operators make time to make sure that their culture is what they want it to be. We all know and understand that any void is always by filled by something. If there is not attention to detail, a negative culture will come in and change all the prior work from what made the operation what it always was. So having said all that, I have been thinking about the culture in our club and if we are managing the business side of the operation well and are we keeping watch of the proper culture. I personally believe that we have a very positive culture and for the most part a welcoming place to be. However, I have been thinking about what things are we doing well and what can be done better. We have all been there at some point in our time in the club where we came out to an event not knowing anyone. That can be intimidating and it is something we need to be purposeful about when we have events. I ask all of you to look for opportunities to meet new members and welcome them to the club. Introduce people in your circle of friends and look for them at upcoming events. I think we need to use name tags more often so that people can better get to know you and remember your name or just as important what car they drive. We love the cars and tend to connect the car to the person and most of the time we know the car before that person's name. I believe that we all stand on the shoulders of the past presidents and board members of this club, as well as all of the members that made this Club for decades. I watched very talented people step forward time and again to work for the betterment of the club. Let's all be purposeful on meeting and greeting people and show them the excellent culture in the club, so that we can see more like minded people join us. - Tim PRESIDENT'S COLUMN By Tim Bubniak KCRPCA A Positive CULTURE CLUB I personally believe that we have a very positive culture and for the most part a welcoming place to be.

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