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54 SMOKESHOP June 2016 A D V E R T I S E R Page A D V E R T I S E R Page INDEX >>>& MERCHANDISE LISTING GUIDE Advertiser 22nd Century Group, Inc. Red Sun cigarettes 7 American Cigar Accessories HumidiFresh, Cezio 18 Arango Cigar Co. Erik Nording pipes 23 Beretta Tube Company Beretta Original MYO tubes 16 Cheyenne International LLC Decade cigarettes 21 Cigar Rights of America (CRA) National Tobacconists Program 41 Connshade Cigar Group Belmore premium cigars C3 delfortgroup 9, 27, 49 Dunhill Tobacco of London Ltd. Dunhill Heritage premium cigars 17 East West Trading Lucienne, Zippo, Fujima lighters 35 FireKing International UltraSeal humidors 40 Inter-Continental Trading USA, Inc. Au Naturallé pipe tobacco C4 IPCPR International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association 47 Klafters, Inc. Premium cigars, accessories 20 M&R Holdings, Inc. Farmer's Gold pipe tobacco 4 Dean's pipe tobacco, Dean's cigars 5 Missouri Meershaum Company Corn cob pipes 26 Native Trading All-natural Native cigarettes 39 Nicopure Labs Halo e-liquid, e-cigarettes, vaping supplies 43 Padrón Cigars 25 Puros Veracruz 29 Rousco, Inc. Buoy pipe tobacco 31 RSB Tobacco, Inc. The Good Stuff pipe tobacco 19 Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Natural American Spirit all-natural cigarettes 15 S&M Brands Lex12 Red Krush cherry, Temptation apple little cigars 13 Sutliff Tobacco Co. SuperValue all-natural pipe tobacco 45 USA Sales Pancho Villa premium cigars 33 Ventura Cigar Company Psyko Seven premium cigars C2 Archetype premium cigars 3 Villiger Cigars North America Villiger Export cigars 11 Smokeshop Magazine is the Tobacco Retailer's Merchandise Connection Need your own copy of Smokeshop? Subscribe to the print edition today starting at only $24 per year for six issues. International delivery is also available. Visit SMOKESHOPMAG.COM/SUBSCRIBE OR CALL 1 - 800 - 766 - 2633 Official Publication of the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association (IPCPR) April 2016 Dominican Republic 2016 Tobacco Crop: Flavorful Leaf on the Way Great weather means lots of ligero and seco this past growing season— more great news as Dominican cigar makers gain ground in traditionally Cuban-dominated global markets. Plus: > CIGAR IMPORT REPORT: U.S. Premium Cigar Imports Post Small Gain in 2015 > GENERAL CIGAR COMPANY: New Leadership and a New Outlook > INDUSTRY SUES FDA OVER PACKAGING: "Small Changes Aren't New Products" Reviews T H E I N D U S T R Y A U T H O R I T Y O N T O B A C C O R E T A I L I N G Official Publication of the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association (IPCPR)