The Capitol Dome

Summer 2012

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Mr. David A. Portwood The Honorable andMrs. Charles S. Robb* Mr. StevenW. Roberts The Honorable Philip E. Ruppe* Stafford County Historical Society Mr. andMrs. Paul A. Terry Mr. Lance B. Thomson Ms Lori Timan Mr. Robert D. Uher Mr. andMrs. John Valanos The Honorable James T.Walsh* Mr. andMrs.Matthew T.West* Mr. Rolla J.Wilhite LisaW.Wright Esq. CORNERSTONE SOCIETY Abruzzo andMolise Heritage Society Mrs. Karen S. Achilles* Mr. George Ahern Mr. Richard Ailstock Mr. Allan Ake Mrs. Judith K. Allard* Ms Hattie R. Allen American Pilots' Association The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson* Mr. andMrs. Stephen J. Anderson Mrs. Carolyn R. Anderson Mrs. Jessica Arnold The Atlantic&Pacific Exchange Program Ms Susan C. Bairstow Mr. andMrs. PhilipW. Barnhart Col. Frederick T. Barrett General andMrs. Joe Bartlett* Mr. John E. Beck Mr. Thomas F. Beddow Mr. andMrs.Murray Belman* Mr. andMrs. Scott Birkhead* Mr. Robert Blodgett Mr. andMrs. David Bodenheimer Mr. andMrs. Philip Boodey Ms Sharon Bosworth Mr. Stephen A. Bourque and Ms Debra L. Anderson Col. JamesM. Brown Mr. Ralph R. Brown Bush Hill Presbyterian Day School The Honorable Beverly B. Byron* Mr. Charles O. Campbell* Mr. andMrs. Donald G. Carlson* Mr. ThomasM. Carpenter The HonorableM. Robert Carr* Mr. Charles Carroll Carter* Ms Susan Cash Mr.WilliamB. Cleaver, III Mr. Robert N. Colombo Mr. andMrs. Walter C. Conahan* Mr. Peter J. Coniglio* Mr. Jerome A. Conlon Mr. andMrs. Roy S. Cool Mr. J. Danny Cooper Mr. andMrs. Scott F. Cosby* Mr. Robert Cover* Ms Lynn E. Cowart* Mr. Steve Davenport Mr. Nathaniel G. DeNicola Mr. Daniel DiPrenda Mr.Michael Donaghue* Mr. andMrs. John E. Dooley Ms Shirley Dow Mr. Loren Duggan Mr. JamesW. Dyer* Mr. andMrs.Michael Eck* Mr. andMrs. Ralph E. Eckert Ms Barbara J. Ferges Mr. andMrs. James H. Ferguson Ms Cynthia L. Ferneau Mrs.Mary Ann T. Fish* Mr. Scott Fleming MsMollyM. Frantz* The Honorable and Mrs. Bill Frenzel* Mr. Richard L. Frick Mrs. Diana Friedman Chiu Mrs. Harriet A. Frost Mr. andMrs. James J. Gamble Ms Nicole Geitter Mr. Scott A. Givens Ms Patty Glowenski Ms Sheila Goar Mr.Wilson Golden Mr. Steve J. Golub Mr. George B. Gould* Mr. andMrs. Christopher Graham* Mrs. VirginiaM. Gray Ms Peggy E. Gross Mr. andMrs. JosephM. Guiffre Ms Tracy Hale Mr. Paul T. Haley The Honorable andMrs. Tom Harkin* Mr. CharlesM. Hicks Mr. E. Joseph Hillings* Ms Alma A. Hostetler* The Honorable Amory Houghton, Jr.* Ms Ruth Hunter* Mr. Peter B. Hutt The Honorable Earl D. Hutto* Mr. andMrs. Gary Hymel* Iowa Bankers Association Mr. David K. Johnson The Honorable Kelly Johnston* The Honorable and Mrs. James R. Jones* Dr. andMrs. John Kazwell MsMaura P. Kelly* Mrs. Betty Kelly The James S. Kemper Foundation Mrs. ChristineM. Keunen Ms Carole A. Kindling Mr. andMrs. Scott D. Kneeland The Honorable Ray Kogovsek* Ms Lynn Koiner Mr. andMrs. Scott R. Kovarovics* Ms Carole L. Kraemer Mr. Johannes C. Kuttner and RebeccaM. Blank* Mr. David A. Lamdin Mr. andMrs. Laurence F. Lane* Mr. James Laughlin Mr. Edward Lawton Ms Sheri A. Layton Mr. Howard Lee* Mr. David Legg Mr. DanielW. Leubecker Mr.WilliamJ. Levant The Lincoln Group, Inc. The Honorable Robert L. Livingston* The Honorable James B. Longley* Ms AnneM. Lynch Mr. andMrs. Christopher P. Makuc* Mr. andMrs. Bruce C.Marshall The Honorable andMrs. DawsonMathis* Mrs. Theresa P.Maturin Ms LavonneMcFarlin Mr. andMrs.Michael S. McGill* MsM. JeanMcKee* Mr. Ronald L.McKee Mrs. Judith D.McKevitt* Mr. andMrs. Ralph J.Mercier Mr. EdwardMerlis* Mr. PaulMichaels Ms Kathleen J.Michels Mrs. ConnieMichener Categories of Giving Leadership Council Brumidi Society Capitol Founder Capitol Benefactor Capitol Circle Architect of History Rotunda Society Cornerstone Society Freedom Society Charter Member $25,000 & above $10,000 – $24,999 $5,000 – $9,999 $2,500 – $4,999 $1,000 – $2,499 $500 – $999 $250 – $499 $100 – $249 $50 – $99 $35 – $49 44 THE CAPITOL DOME SUMMER 2012

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