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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 129 Are you happy with your smile? If not, there are ways to improve it that are far from "extreme." Dr. Kris Sottosanti has been restoring local smiles for 20 years using the most advanced restorative and cosmetic care available. With his help, you can look forward to smiling again. ✔ Veneers ✔ Implants ✔ Invisalign ✔ Zoom Whitening ✔ Sedation Options feel this good about your smile. Kris Sottosanti, D.D.S. CALL (831) 624-8548 26535 CARMEL RANCHO BLVD. SUITE #1 • CARMEL, CA 93923