Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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Built for Fast New Book Tells Histor y of Cobra Racer Ed Hugus B Y B R E T T W I L B U R C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 189 L e Mans Racer James Edward "Ed" Hugus and Monterey Historics racer Bob Walker were destined to cross paths. Years ago, Walker, a Pebble Beach resident, had bought a Ferrari and took a class at Russell Racing School at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca "so I wouldn't kill myself in the car." Walker got hooked on racing vintage cars and was mentioned in an article in The Carmel Pine Cone when he entered a 1963 Elva Courier MK 3 in the 2004 Monterey Historics. "Ed Hugus saw the article and gave me a call," Walker recounts. "He had been a hero of mine for many years and lived a 100 yards from a rental we have in Pebble Beach. I had no idea he was still alive." The two became close friends, getting together weekly for lunch to "talk about the old days," and Walker soon got the idea that it would be interesting to write some magazine articles or even a book about Hugus.

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