Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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"We have a mandate to be more engaged and interactive with the commu- nity," Eyerman says. To that end, under Eyerman's tenure many programs have been instituted to reach out to the com- munity, draw them into the museum and experience the riches it offers. School chil- dren are brought in by the busload to learn about art and to flex their creative muscles. Technology is being used exten- sively to tell the stories behind each work of art on display. Families are encouraged to experience the museum with free Family Days held on a regular basis. "The museum is for ever yone… it's multi-generational," Eyerman explains. The museum's collection is displayed in two facilities, the main building on Pacific Street and at La Mirada, a historic adobe in one of Monterey's oldest neighbor- hoods. Owned by the City of Monterey, the Pacific Street location was opened in 1977 and contains several galleries spread throughout the building. La Mirada was opened in the 1980s and a gallery wing was added in 1994. In her capacity as Deputy Director of Collections, Exhibitions and Engagement, Ami Davis oversees the museum's out- reach efforts to schools. According to Eyerman, 1,800 school kids will visit the museum this year and find how art can enrich and enliven their lives. "That's a 27 percent increase over 2015," Eyerman says, "and an astounding 218 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 Above: Margaret Bruton (1894-1983), "Barns on Cass Street," 1925, oil on canvas. Gift of the artist, 1973. Right: Edward Holslag (1870-1924), "Cypress, Point Lobos," 1918, oil on canvas. Bequest of Beth and Mellon (Bud) Baird, 2004.

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