Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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256 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 drink Whaling Station Manhattan The Whaling Station 763 Wave St. Monterey • 831/373-3778 Photo: Kelli Uldall F or your Manhattan project, purchase an oak cask online (recipe for 5-liter size) and follow "seasoning" instructions. Add bour- bon, vermouth and bitters. Allow to age for at least one month, gently shaking barrel each week. When aged, pour over ice, stir vigorous- ly and strain into cocktail glass. Garnish with two cherries on a skewer. The trend of using oak barrels to turn cocktails into mellower, silkier versions of themselves shows no signs of waning. And no watering hole does it better than The Whaling Station above Cannery Row. A faithful band of locals joins tippling tourists for a generous happy hour, famous steak sandwiches, compli- mentary fat green olives and one of the best barrel-aged Manhattans anywhere. General Manager Alfredo Ortiz keeps the large barrels full using his personal recipe and proving the adage that things do get better with age. —Larry Harland P R E PA R AT I O N : In an empty cocktail shaker, squeeze quarter of a lemon and add ½ oz simple syrup and two strawberries. Muddle. Add ice to shaker, followed by 1½ oz. bourbon. Stir, don't shake. Fill pint glass with ice, strain ingredients from shaker into glass, and top with ginger beer. Garnish with half a strawberry. I N G R E D I E N T S : • 5 bottles (750 ml) Old Forester Bourbon • 1½ bottles Carpano "Antica Formula" sweet vermouth • 1.5 oz. orange bitters • Prepared Amarena cherries

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