Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ 274 ' % 6 1 ) 0 1 % + % > - 2 ) 7 9 1 1 ) 6 * % 0 0 C armel-by-the-Glass, hosted by Rich Pèpe and Jack Galante, revived the summer Garden Par ty in the gardens of the La Playa ,SXIP'SPPEFSVEXMRK[MXLXLI[MRIXEWXMRKVSSQWSJ'EVQIPSZIVKYIWXWIRNS]IHXLMWJYR½PPIHGSQQYRMX]IZIRXFIRI½X- ting the Carmel Mission Foundation, which is responsible for the restoration and preservation of the Carmel Mission Basilica. Carmel-by-the-Glass Garden Fiesta Susan Love, Sandra Pepé, Barbara Davi Cynthia House, Deb Aitchison, Anne Vittetoe, Lori Rosenblum Christine Meyer, Bobby Richards Mary Titus, John Oglesby, Debi Bennett Beth Oas, Mac McDonald Rich Pepé, Jack Galante Kip Ryley, Kimberly Lord-Weis, Ranae Crevalle, JoAn Albanese, Lori Spiegl Kathryn Harrison, Stacey Schrader, Pat Ward, Becky Kendall Georgia Mercer, Gene & Susan McFarland John Haffey, Montana D'Agliano-Luna Dorothea Probasco, Linda Calafiore, Karen Fenton, Jill Livingstone Maddox Habberdasher, LaNette Zimmerman, Domenick Allen Mike & Lynn Momboisse Mary Chamberlin, Bob & Sue Wecker, Charlie Davis, Peri Basseri Photos by Kelli Uldall

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