Retail Observer

September 2016

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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SEPTEMBER 2016 RETAILOBSERVER.COM 43 DIGITAL SIGNAGE EXPO (DSE), THE WORLD'S LARGEST INTERNATIONAL TRADE SHOW AND EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO DIGITAL DISPLAYS, INTER- ACTIVE TECHNOLOGY AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS, SETS ALL-TIME RECORDS IN ATTENDANCE AND EXHIBIT SPACE. T he conference and trade show surpassed last year's attendance record with more than 4,100 attendees from 69 countries worldwide, also setting a new record. But the important news is that 45 percent of that verified attendance was end users, an increase of 7 percent in DSE's primary target audience compared to 2015. The exhibit hall also set a new record of over 84,000 net square feet. Of the over 200 exhibitors, 45 were exhibiting for the first time. End user attendees represented more larger and well-known companies than ever before, including:, Anheuser-Busch, Capital One, Chevron, Facebook, Honda, JPMorganChase, Kimberly Clark, McDonald's, Nike, Porsche, Quick Trip, Syracuse University, The Walt Disney Company, The U.S. Air Force Academy and others. ALL-TIME RECORDS 13TH SHOW REACHES NEW HIGH-WATER MARKS FOR ATTENDANCE AND EXHIBIT SPACE

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