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168 Call for current rates: 800.UR.RENTS (800-877-3687) Barricades & Signs / Traffic Cones, Barriers & Cones Water-Filled Barriers Water-filled barriers are an easy solution for traffic and pedestrian control and are ideal for redirecting traffic and assisting with crowd control at special events such as parades, festivals, and sporting events. Meets LCBO standards. Sand-Filled Crash Attenuator Barrels Ideal for wide hazards in low-frequency impact areas. Easy to move; provides external verification of the barrel's correct weight of sand. Different configurations of barrels are used to create all of the weights used in current standard array geometries (200, 400, 700, 1400 and 2100 lbs.). One-piece container eliminates sand leaks. Shipping, storing, and installation are easy because there are no cone inserts. Vertical Panels Narrow design for use in tight configurations. Spring- loaded detent mechanism retains rigid vertical position until impact, then locks unit flat. Legs are filled with sand for support. Optional sand-filled ballast boots snap onto legs to provide additional ballast in high speed and windy situations. MUTCD compliant. Type II & Type III Traffic Barricades United Rentals barricades meet MUTCD requirements and are NCHRP 350 accepted with or without warning lights. Extruded plastic panels with reflective sheeting. Call for other panel sizes, sheeting grades, and stripe direction options. Always consult with State Transportation Officials to determine suitability of product specification. Premier Vertical Panels This heavy-duty, stackable vertical panel has an arched carry handle and molded light mount. Recessed, 8" x 36" reflective sheeting area. Accommodates U.S.A. MUTCD minimum of 270 sq. in. of reflective sheeting. High gravity molded rubber base. Tested and certified to meet the crash requirements of NCHRP-350; approved by the Texas DOT. Economy Traffic Barricades United Rentals carries several types of NCHRP-350 accepted traffic barricades. Economical choice for channelizing pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Contact your local branch for more details. MUTCD compliant.