TDN Weekend

January 2017

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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Story and nature photos by LUCAS MARQUARDT Other photos by SPRINGBOK LODGE If you like top-notch racing in an elegant at- mosphere, head to the Jan. 6-7 L'Ormarins Queens Plate Weekend at Kenilworth Race- course in Cape Town; if you like world-class Thoroughbred prospects at outstanding value, head to the Cape Premier Sale, South Africa's most prominent yearling auction, to be held in Cape Town on Jan. 21-22. If you like life-affirming nature experi- ences, stick around and visit one of the country's several dozen nature reserves. The long trek to the land of Mandella, fine wine and bucolic stud farms wouldn't be complete without a visit to one of these re- serves, which range from the massive Kru- ger National Park to any number of smaller, 18

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