Sporting Classics Digital

Jan/Feb 2017

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HUNDREDS of years ago the isolated country of Papua New Guinea was shaded black on the map and called the Islands of the Bad People. Back then rumors of cannibals and headhunting tribes, so savage they slept with human skulls as their pillows, filled the imagination and nightmares of travelers and explorers. Today, PNG remains a land of mystery, and in some remote and virtually undiscovered regions, it is still believed to be a dangerous place. The largest highland tribe in Papua New Guinea are the HULI WIgmen, who paint their faces yellow, red, and white and are famous for their tradition of making ornamental wigs from their own hair. The Huli Wigmen believe they can conjure ancient magic to make their hair grow faster, which is cut and fashioned into wigs resembling plumed 118 • S P O R T I N G C L A S S I C S A PHoToGRAPHIc joURNEy INTo THE lANDS of THE UNcHARTED AND A PoRTRAIT INTo THE TRUE fAcE of INTRIGUE . . . fRom THE Book before they pass away. By jimmy nelson

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