TDN Weekend

February 2017

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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Page 66 of 75

iting Power. For those prepared to go the extra mile, or rather more, Charlbury offers one of the nation's outstanding alehouses in the Rose and Crown. They are serious about their beer and music here, with no food menu, but those who need to lay a foundation need only pop over the road to a flourishing gastropub, The Bull. More than any other staging post on the British racing circuit, however, Cheltenham is best left to your own instincts. The town itself abounds in life, for those who can keep up with the pace; and the surrounding country, in almost every direction, unfolds in such unbroken nostalgia that you will very soon discover your own favoured lair. The very racetrack, after all, is a great arena nestled between limestone hill and green valley. By day as by night, then, the week unfolds in cherished nooks of a landscape that preserves the best of the past while nourishing a grateful sense that it is good to be alive, here and now. By the same to- ken, even your first visit will somehow feel as though it consolidates a great tradition of pilgrimage. And it may well prompt you to start one of your own. 67

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