TDN Weekend

February 2017

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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Page 74 of 75

What skills do they have that translate to training racehorses? Training is surprisingly comparable to coaching and we use a lot of the same ther- apies with the athletes. Tell me three things you believe in. Kindness, patience, and winning! Two important questions for you during this time of the year. First, what is the most important item to stay warm during the can-be brutal Maryland winter? Long johns and a hat. Second, as Valentine's Day graces this lovely month, describe your ideal date. When my wife and I use to spend winters in Florida, we had a tradition were we would have Valentine's dinner with Johnny and Leona Velasquez and David and Fay Donk. It would be fun to do that again. There are many factors that play into the success of a racehorse. What do you think is the one thing that a successful race- horse cannot do without? Heart. 75

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