Powder and Bulk Engineering


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12 March 2017 | PBEI Clean and inspect the screen decks. Clean the screen decks one at a time. Use low-pressure compressed air or a soft brush to remove any loose material that has accumulated on the screen deck frame or screen insert. If necessary, remove the screen insert from each deck frame to thoroughly clean both the insert frame and screen. Be careful not to tamp or jar the insert frame or screen. Check the screen for tears, signs of blinding, and gaps between the screen edges and insert frame; if you find such problems, replace the screen insert. Clean any remaining material from the screen deck before placing the screen insert back into the deck. Inspect and replace screen deck gaskets and seals. In- spect all gaskets and seals (such as lip seals) between the screen deck frames to be sure they're soft and flexible and not damaged or loose: The better the condition and surface smoothness of the gaskets and seals, the tighter the sifter will be sealed. If one gas- ket or seal is damaged or loose, replace all gaskets and seals on that deck frame and cement them with the adhesive designated in your sifter manual's parts list. When fitting gaskets on the deck frame, make sure that they butt together at the frame cor- ners and are firmly cemented onto the frame. Reassemble the screen deck stack. Reverse the stack disassembly steps, being careful to replace the screen decks in proper order. Again, the screen decks should fit into position easily without the use of tools to avoid damaging or distorting the deck frames. Once the screen decks are back on the sifter, reattach the flexible tubes at the sifter inlet and outlet, but don't stretch them taut. Then tighten the nuts on all the hold- down rods to the pressure specified by the sifter manufacturer. Yearly maintenance. Perform these steps once a year: Inspect the gaskets and seals. Disassemble the screen deck stack as previously described and inspect the gaskets and seals between the screen decks. Replace any hardened or damaged gaskets or seals. In general, expect to replace all screen deck gaskets and seals every 5 years if they haven't been replaced before that. Inspect the screen deck frames. Check each screen deck frame for cracks and dents, and replace any cracked or severely dented side on a deck frame. Inspect all rivets on the deck frames and replace any that are damaged or loose. Check the screen deck corners for any sign of wear in the hole for the hold-down rod. If you find hole wear, the screen deck can't be tightened correctly and will slide around during sifter opera- tion, destroying the gasket and expanding the hole for the rod, eventually causing the deck to fail. Inspect the screen inserts. Remove the screen insert from each screen deck and inspect the insert frame and screen (and, if so equipped, the screen cleaners) for wear damage. To avoid a screen failure, it's best to replace all screen inserts and screen cleaners once a year. PBEI For further reading Find more information on this topic in articles listed under "Screening and classifying" in Powder and Bulk Engineer- ing/International's comprehensive article index at PBE/I's web- site, www.pbeinternational.com, and in books available in the website's Bookstore. Additional articles and other resources can be found in the Article Archive on Powder and Bulk Engi- neering's website, www.powderbulk.com. (All articles in PBE's Article Archive are available free to registered users.) Derek J. Williams, vice president Sifter Parts & Service Wesley Chapel, FL USA +1 813 991 9400 dwilliams@sifterparts.com www.sifterparts.com 0GGFC*CPF9KVJ;QWT$WNM5QNKFU! ,QQRYDWLQJPRGHOLQJDQGGHVLJQLQJ :HKDYHEHHQ\RXUEXONPDWHULDOVROXWLRQSURYLGHU IURPFRQFHSWWRFRPPHUFLDOL]DWLRQIRU\HDUV 6ROLGV?3RZGHUV?&RQYH\LQJ?3URFHVVLQJ?6WRUDJH ?LQIR#MHQLNHFRP?MHQLNHFRP LQJDQGGHVLJQLQJ UEXONPDWHULDOVROXWLRQSURYLGHU RPPHUFLDOL]DWLRQIRU\HDUV <($56

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