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Mission Driven, Results Oriented At Seattle University's Albers School of Business and Economics, students are inspired by the Jesuit tradition of academic excellence, education for justice, and service to others to develop into ethical leaders for the global community. • Student focused • Community connections • Experiential learning Nationally ranked by: • BusinessWeek • U.S. News & World Report • The Princeton Review • Beyond Grey Pinstripes Photo by Fedora el Morro NEWSBYTES n SOCIAL MEDIA STARS Knowledge@Wharton, the online research journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, has partnered with Social Strategy1, a social media monitoring and analytics firm, to create the inaugural Social Media Leadership Awards. With the support of Ernst & Young, the competi- tion will recognize companies across ten categories for their innovative use of social media. Applications were accepted in July and August, and winners will be notified September 24. The announcement of the winners will kick off a yearlong schedule of events. In Novem- ber, a two-day social media workshop and an award lun- cheon for the finalists will be held at the Wharton School. In the months after, the part- ners will feature Webinars, in which the winners discuss their social media strategies. They also will provide white papers with insights from social media experts leading up to next year's competition. For information about the November workshop or next year's competition, visit www. n VSU RECOGNIZED RichTech, a company in Rich- mond, Virginia, that promotes technology initiatives in the region, has awarded a Rich- Tech Technology Innovation Deployment Award to Virginia State University's Reginald F. Lewis School of Business in Petersburg. The school was honored for its "Digital at the Core" initiative, for which the school adopted a new busi- ness curriculum delivered primarily via digital formats. Last year, Virginia's governor Bob McDonnell awarded the Lewis School the Governor's Technology Award for Innova- tion in Higher Education. n MS IN CYBERSECURITY In spring 2012, Temple Uni- versity's Fox School of Busi- ness in Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, launched an MS in IT auditing and cybersecurity. The curriculum is based on material from the ISACA, a global association of informa- tion professionals. Students are trained to complete the ISACA's Certified Information System Auditor exam at the end of the 12-month program. n APP CHALLENGE The New Jersey Apps Chal- lenge is now accepting sub- missions of innovative mobile apps from students, faculty, and recent graduates of New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in Newark; Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey; and Rutgers University of New York. Submissions will be accepted through December 31. Winners will be chosen based on their apps' poten- tial for commercial success. The first-place winner will be invited to pitch his or her app to Foursquare CEO Dennis Crowley. For information, visit content/nj-apps-challenge. BizEd September/October 2012 61