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classifieds BizEd Classifieds may be used to advertise administration, faculty and staff openings. BizEd reserves the right to reject or discontinue the publication of any advertisement. Only publication of the advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser's order. Advertising rates for the Classifieds are as follows:* Size/Word Count Full page (7" x 9.625") (approx. 850 words) 1/2 page H (7" x 4.75") / V (3.375" x 9.625") (approx. 450 words) 1/4 page (3.375" x 4.625") AACSB $1,850 $1,200 $700 Nonmember Free Online** $2,180 $1,420 $850 (approx. 225 words) *Ads should be submitted digitally when possible. Non-digital ads are subject to a minimal set-up charge. All graphics and logos to appear in print ads should be submitted in 300 dpi format or better. **When placing a classified ad Billing Instructions (check one): □ Advertiser □ Ad Agency Print Name: ____________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________________ Return to: BizEd c/o AACSB International— The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business 777 South Harbour Island Boulevard, Suite 750 • Tampa, FL 33602 Tel: +1 813 769 6500 • Fax: +1 813 769 6559 120 days 90 days 60 days • show a commitment to: • show evidence of success in: ° shared governance and collaboration ° diversity ° academic excellence and student success ° regional economic development ° obtaining external funding including gifts, grants, and/or contracts and in the development and maintenance of positive working relationships with busi- nesses, donors, alumni, faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders ° curriculum development, program expansion, student recruitment/retention, faculty recruitment and development, and fiscal management Starting Date: 12-month appointment that will begin on July 1, 2013. Application review will begin on October 1, 2012. Salary: Salary is AACSB peer competitive with IU benefits. For complete job posting and application information, please visit: Indiana University Kokomo is seeking an innovative, energetic and proven leader to serve as the Dean of the School of Business. The AACSB accredited School offers an MBA program and a Bachelor of Science in Business and houses the Center of Economic Education. The dean is expected to be an excellent teacher and academi- cally/professionally qualified according to the School's standards and will report directly to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. DEAN Minimum Qualifications: • have earned a doctorate from an accredited institution in one of the disciplines taught at IU Kokomo's SOB • have a record of excellence in teaching, service, and scholarship commensurate with appointment to full professor (tenure is subject to approval by IU's Board of Trustees) FACULTY POSITIONS IN OPERATIONS/INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING As a result of the success of its MBA programs, Willamette University's Atkinson Graduate School of Management is pleased to invite applica- tions for a tenure-track faculty positions in Operations and Information Management and Accounting with appointments to begin August 2013. The Atkinson School ( is growing in size and reputation, situated within a top-ranked, private liberal arts university in Salem, Oregon. The Atkinson School's MBA for business, government, and not-for-profit management is one of only two MBA degrees in the world accredited by both the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). The School offers the MBA degree in two formats: a full-time program in Salem, Oregon; evening MBA program for working professionals in Portland and Salem, Oregon. We also provide a variety of executive development programs in the region. Faculty members are committed to helping students to achieve their intellectual and professional goals in a highly collegial environment. The faculty is not departmentalized and values interdisciplinary collaboration, integrative teaching, experiential learning, and high-quality research that crosses sectorial and functional boundaries. Position Requirements: The successful candidate for each position will hold a completed doctorate, coupled with strong records of accomplishment in teaching and scholarship; ability and motivation to pursue scholarly work, independently and collaboratively; demonstrated ability to develop and deliver MBA and executive development courses. The ideal candidate for the Operations and Information Management position will have expertise in one or more of the following areas — opera- tions management, supply chain management, and management information systems. The ideal candidate for the Accounting position will be either a CPA or CMA with some practice experience. Rank: The ranks for the positions are open. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience, teaching and research record. How to Apply: To review complete job announcements and online application requirements, please visit Application Deadline: Applications will be considered immediately until the positions are filled. Believing that diversity contributes to academic excellence and to rich and rewarding communities, Willamette University is committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty, staff and student body. We seek candidates, particularly those from historically under-represented groups, whose work fur- thers diversity and who bring to campus varied experiences, perspectives and backgrounds. 68 September/October 2012 BizEd