Retail Observer

May 2017

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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MAY 2017 RETAILOBSERVER.COM 35 C ES ® 2017, the 50th anniversary of the largest global gathering of innovation and connectivity, introduced ground-breaking products, provided opportunities for companies in every major global industry to conduct business, and shattered records. CES 2017 showcased the connected future of technology. With more than 3,800 exhibiting companies and exhibit space of more than 2.6 million net sq. ft., CES 2017 was a record-breaker, welcoming the world's biggest companies in addition to hosting more than 600 startups at the Eureka Park Marketplace. More than 175,000 industry professionals, including 55,000 from outside the U.S., convened in Las Vegas to drive the ever-evolving global technology industry forward. A highlight video announcing official show stats can be found here. "CES 2017 shifted to a new level as large and small companies from around the globe gathered to reveal solutions for many of our world's most challenging problems," said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO, Consumer Technology Association (CTA)™. "Our industry is bettering the world through connectivity and innovation, touching literally every facet of our lives. Today's connected world was on full display this week at CES 2017 – our largest, boldest show in history." "Startups, established businesses, traditional tech companies – and those in new industries like travel and sports – came together and vigorously embraced technology for the 50th anniversary of CES," said Karen Chupka, senior vice president, CES and corporate business strategy, CTA. "This year's show was all about connectivity – both in the form of the technologies unveiled and in the valuable face-to-face business connections happening throughout the show." PROPELLS THE CONNECTED WORLD 5 G , C A R S , C L O T H E S , C O N T E N T, H E A LT H C A R E , S P O R T S , T R A V E L , S M A R T C I T I E S , A R , V R , R O B O T I C S , A I A N D M O R E D E B U T E D AT W O R L D ' S L A R G E S T I N N O V AT I O N E V E N T.

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