Retail Observer

May 2017

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM MAY 2017 2 LARGEST CAPACITY AGITATOR WASHER AVAILABLE * This slim, 27"-wide washer fits easily in the home, but brings a full 4.7 cu. ft. capacity—so your customers can do laundry with the power of a top-rated agitator washer. ** It has hard-working features like the Deep Fill option that adds a maximum water level of 14" and works with the PowerWash ® agitator to break up messes. LARGEST LOADS, EVENLY DRIED † These smaller, 27"-wide dryers will take on your customers' largest loads. They come with a 7.4 cu. ft. capacity and powerful drying features like the IntelliDry ® sensor to get the job done. DEPENDABLE LAUNDRY DUO *Models MVWB765F & MVWB766F. Among leading brands. **By a leading consumer magazine. Models MVWC416F, MVWB765F and MVWB766F. †Models ME/GDB765F & MEDB766F. Based on testing of a 15-lb load. ††Visit for warranty details. ®/™ ©2017 Maytag. All rights reserved. ML170042

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