TDN Weekend

July 2017

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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T H E O N L Y R A C E B E T T E R T H A N T H E T V G P A C I F I C C L A S S I C I S T H E B R E E D E R S ' C U P C L A S S I C . ( A N D T H A T ' S C O M I N G T O D E L M A R A S W E L L ) 1. Breeders' Cup Classic 2. TVG Pacific Classic 2. QIPCO Irish Champion Stakes 2. William Hill Cox Plate 5. QIPCO Champion Stakes 6. LONGINES Breeders' Cup Turf 7. China Horse Club George Ryder Stakes 7. Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe 9. Dubai Sheema Classic Presented by LONGINES 10. Queen Elizabeth II Stakes (Sponsored by QIPCO) The 2016 Longines World's Best Horse Races as determined by The International Federation of Horseracing Authorities Be a part of Del Mar's richest and most prestigious race, the $1,000,000 TVG Pacific Classic, on Saturday, August 19. Reserve your seats or table now at I (858) 792-4242 H O M E O F T H E 2 0 1 7 B R E E D E R S ' C U P

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