TDN Weekend

July 2017

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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Siefker's popular Adelphi garden lounge, but the approach will contin- ue with another 40-seat garden ven- ue just outside of the Blue Hen that may be used, weather-permitting, as many as eight months of the year. More visible with its street-front location will be Morrissey's Bar. "It's going to have that 1920s speakeasy kind of a feel," Ducamp said. "Very much of a craft bar. Very high-end craft cocktails. A big block of ice be- hind the bar that the bartenders will chisel away at to generate the ice for their drinks." R A T E S R ates "will vary in accordance with Saratoga Springs' robust summer calendar of events," according to Adelphi management. "On average, our Premier King lead- in room category will start at $750 per night. Suites start at $1,200 per night. We offer a series of specialty suites including the Travers Suite and Whitney Suite, both featuring balco- nies with sweeping views of Broad- way starting at $1,750 per night. Our most discerning of guests seeking a presidential suite experience may re- serve The Owners Suite at $7,500 per night."

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