TDN Weekend

July 2017

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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Page 24 of 115

done, and they comment like, 'You guys must be expensive. You just do the super-high- HQGVWXƪoq(VDUH\VDLGp%XWWKDWoVQRWZKDW we're all about. For one, we're very fair and competitively priced. And our projects, de- sign-wise, I would do the same design for a lower-end farm as I would for a high-end IDUP7KHGHVLJQLVVWLOOJRLQJWRƬWWKHODQG it's what the land gives us. Now, is it a gravel road versus an asphalt road? Does it have a multi-million dollar house with gardens and pools and all that? Or is it a nice, modest KRPH",WoVMXVWDPDWWHURIKRZWKHƬQLVKLV really. The designing doesn't really change in terms of what's best for the operation and KRZLWƬWVWKHODQGq

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