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F Tablets & Capsules July 2017 35 tooling Excessive downtime isn't easy to swallow Scott Tacheny Wilson Tool It's impossible to prevent every episode of unscheduled downtime, but you can take steps to minimize its frequency and severity. or manufacturers, downtime is a necessary evil. It's when production stops so you can clean and maintain your machinery and change over the tooling. Ideally, downtime would be scheduled and occur between tablet- ting runs, but some problems occur with no warning. In addition, consumer trends put formulators and mar- keters under pressure to change the shape, size, and over- all look of tablets to enhance their appeal. These changes eventually flow to the people involved in manufacturing, forcing them to adapt quickly to make new tablets that may not run as easily on the press. This article describes some cost-effective ways manu- facturers can respond to unforeseen trouble and meet other demands while boosting production and minimiz-