Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Summer/Fall 2017

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308 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 7 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ Art in Bloom Gala 2017 Kim Negri, Monica Graham, Heather Church, Adrianna Hayward T he Monterey Museum of Ar t's annual Ar t in Bloom Gala welcomed over 200 suppor ters at the Monterey Peninsula Country Club, chaired by Heather Church, Monica Graham, Adriana Hayward and Kim Negri and Honorary Chairs Judith Marshall and Mona Zander. Proceeds suppor t the Museum's mission, connecting the community with California ar t — past, present, and future. Thomas & Sonja Hout, Connie & Ken Hess Nicole Shute, Natasha Raja Jeremy & Glynis Barrett, Gianna Jackson, Neil Graham Pam Fadel, Lauren Welch, Michele Lauren Bob & Sarah Bouchier, Pat & Dave Maddox Bryan Duarte, Dana Bambace, Chandra & Paul Wylde Cornelia Holden, Kevin Wasbauer, Erika Tkada Julie & Stuart Chase, Mona Zander, Ronda Eubanks Iris Huber, Craig & Chris Johnson, Jorg Huber Audette Sophia, Lynn Miller, Ann Andros, Artemisia Spencer, Jimmy & Carrie Panetta Amy Elmore, Elena Mueller Sabrina Taylor, Albert Connor Tatjana Zina, Iwona Hohnloser Photos: DMT Imaging

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