Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Summer/Fall 2017

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I N T E R I O R S B Y AMBIANCE INT ERIOR S RETAIL STORE San Carlos Street Between Ocean Ave & 7th Carmel, CA 93921 831-626-7100 AMBIANCE INT ERIOR S DESIG N STUDIO* 228 Crossroads Blvd. Carmel, CA 93923 831-250-5260 *By Appointment FINE FURNISHING AND INTERIOR DESIGN Ambiance w w w . i n t e r i o r s b y a m b i a n c e . c o m Nicole Truszkowski Real Estate Agent Sotheby's (831) 238-7449 CalBre#: 1240204 Brad Towle Real Estate Agent Sotheby's (831) 224-3370 CalBre#:1072676 ‚is home is for sale, for information contact:

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