
Farm406 Fall 2017

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farm406 30 24 HOUR ON SITE FARM SERVICE Firestone Farm Dealer - Tire Rama - GREAT FALLS, MONTANA 521 10th Ave. South • 1627 3rd St. NW • 4501 10th Ave. South 406.761.4200 • 406.799.1776 (After Hours) Replacement AG tires | Flat Repair FBR Fort Benton Realty, LLP For details, call Mark Pyrak, Broker 406-788-9280 or Shane Ophus, Broker 406-788-6662 The East Unit- Approx. 860 acres 3 miles east of Harlem: Includes approx. 93 acres pivot sprinkler, 160 acres gated-pipe flood irrigation, 213 acres flood irrigated (147-acre pivot sprinkler possible), and 394 acres pasture. $1,170,000. The West unit (Homeplace) - Approx. 499 acres 7 miles west of Harlem: Includes approx. 250 acres under pivot – 2 sprinklers, 130 ac. flood irrigation, 115 acres grass/pasture along the Milk River, with home & shop & barn/corrals. $1,080,000. Fort Benton Realty LLP • (406) 622-3803 • located in central MT, N of Lewistown. Includes 7,150 acres of dry cropland, two homes & two sets of farm buildings with feedlot set-up. Local cropping practices include Winter & Spring Wheat, Barley and Pulse Crops. Irrigation rights and development are possible. There's Elk, Deer, Antelope & bird Hunting & fishing in this area. Farm is priced at $1,825 per acre. Montana Farm 9,200 Acres: Call Mark Pyrak, Broker 406-788-9280 or go to TWO BLAINE COUNTY FARMS/RANCHES 1,360 Acres (+/-) Total West & East of Harlem , MT

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