TDN Weekend

October 2017

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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RQHRIMXVWƬYHWKLQJVDWDQ\JLYHQWLPHGLYLQJGU\LQJ RƪIURP\RXUGLYHSXWWLQJ\RXUGLYHHTXLSPHQWEDFNRQ sleeping or eating. We soon learned that OceanQuest does not follow the largely accepted "no swimming for PLQXWHVDIWHUHDWLQJqUXOH)RUWXQDWHO\QRRQHVHHPHG DƪHFWHGVRPD\EHWKDWRQHFDQEHUHYLVLWHG While there is nothing luxurious about OceanQuest, it isn't lacking, either; the twin bunks have everything you need, the food prepared by alternating chefs Tom and %UDPIURP)UDQFHDQGWKH1HWKHUODQGVUHVSHFWLYHO\LV spectacular and the diving instructors, who seemed to cover every nationality and language you could need, are extremely enthusiastic, knowledgeable and helpful. 2XUƬUVWGLYHDW3OD\JURXQGZDVKLJKOLJKWHGE\SOHQW\ RI%XPSKHDG3DUURWƬVKDQG+XPSKHDG:UDVVHZKLFK at up to a few feet in length, are hard to miss) as well DVDOLRQƬVK:HUHWXUQHGWR2FHDQ4XHVWWRDGHOLFLRXV KRWPHDOSUHSDUHGE\&KHI7RPDQGDVZHƬQLVKHGRXU last few bites of dinner, we received the soon familiar DQQRXQFHPHQWRIpLWoVWLPHIRU\RXUQH[WGLYHEULHƬQJq (DFKGLYHLVSUHFHGHGE\DEULHƬQJWKDWLQFOXGHVDGHVFULS- tion of the conditions, a map of the reef and suggested GLYLQJURXWHVDQGDQLGHDRIZKDWƬVKPLJKWEHYLVLEOH 7KLVZRXOGEHRXUƬUVWQLJKWGLYHDQGDVZHZHUHEULHIHG that means one thing: sharks. A crewmember strapped a ƮDVKOLJKWRQWRRXUZULVWVDVZHSUHSDUHGWRVWHSRƪWKH GLYHGHFNDQGRƪZHZHQWLQWRWKHGHHSGDUNDE\VVRI the sharks' lair. T H E F O O D P R E P A R E D B Y A L T E R N AT I N G C H E F S T O M A N D B R A M I S S P E C TA C U L A R .

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